3/24/24= Julian 3/11/24. We saw all the 3/11 codes! Celebrities have been coding 3/24/24. Also, 3/24/24 on a Timeline with 9/23/20 spells out "God's Wrath" several ways and is 42 Months!
Please I ask you to watch a basketball player named Jaden Ivey at a press conference.
Many people do not realize but when they say that the Lord Jesus Christ returns, and that is true, he is with his arms crossed which is the sign of Osiris.
The strange thing is how he is constantly playing with his fingers on the top of his shoulders.
He gives me the impression that they are like signs or a form of expression because he also has the fingers of his right hand on his left shoulder together like the Freemasons do.
Hello Rose.
Please I ask you to watch a basketball player named Jaden Ivey at a press conference.
Many people do not realize but when they say that the Lord Jesus Christ returns, and that is true, he is with his arms crossed which is the sign of Osiris.
The strange thing is how he is constantly playing with his fingers on the top of his shoulders.
He gives me the impression that they are like signs or a form of expression because he also has the fingers of his right hand on his left shoulder together like the Freemasons do.
I have seen it right now on a channel called:
The Watchman.
Video title:
The Bible Warned Us About This:
The Days Of Noah Are Here!!!
Thank you.
Always in Christ my heart.