3/11& July 22 in The Matrix point to 3/24/24- In which the "9/23 Mystery" is solved. Read on and see how!
3/24/24= Julian 3/11/24. We saw all the 3/11 codes! Celebrities have been coding 3/24/24. Also, 3/24/24 on a Timeline with 9/23/20 spells out "God's Wrath" several ways and is 42 Months!
Remember 9/23?? We saw it everywhere! We all saw it leading up to 9/23/15. The date was embedded in Movies. It was all over the place from; “The Little Shop of Horrors” to The movie “23” with Jim Carey, and hidden in pictures like this with Kim Jong Un.
And then, to top it all off, after seeing 9/23 embedded in all sorts of media, The Pope came to the U.S. to meet with Obama on 9/23/2015. Some of us wondered if something might happen that day, but perhaps it meant that 9/23/2015 was pointing to a future date another time.
I may have found that future time. You see, recently we saw March 11 embedded in many places as well. We know the Pandemic was on March 11, 2020. But what if March 11 isn’t really March 11. It would distort the Gematria as the actual date for March 11 might be March 24. When I worked on the timeline for March 24, it all popped out and I realized that 9/23/20 May have been the important date we were looking for.
There’s something about 5 years and President Obama. He announced 5 years to the day about a future pandemic coming.
Obama made the big statement about a Pandemic coming in 5 to 10 years in the Youtube segment above. And true to his word or (direction) in five years there was a Worldwide Pandemic.
What if the 9/23 that was embedded was 5 years behind as well? Something really interesting happens if we plot that out on a timeline with 3/24/24 (Julian 3/11.)
If we subtract 42 months or 3.5 years from 3/24/24 (Julian 3/11) It was 9/23/2020.
Not only that, there are a few more very important things to point out:
The Great American Eclipse on 8/21/17 to 3/24/24= 2407 Days.
last day gods wrath disclosure value in Gematria is 2407www.gematrix.org
divine wrath disclosure value in Gematria is 2407www.gematrix.org
Before we talk about more pertaining to “God’s Wrath,” and this Timeline. Lets cover
March 11 Julian 2024, which is March 24, 2024.
The Gematria for this date is 5995:
and they will trample the holy city for forty two months three and one half years value in Gematria is 5995www.gematrix.org
march eleven julian calendar in the year twenty twenty four value in Gematria is 5995www.gematrix.org
If there is another 42 months remaining, then it will go to another 9/23. In 2027.
See Timeline:
You can see God, perhaps, spelling out his Wrath coming in the Gematria of the days from the 8/21/17 Eclipse to 42 Months after 9/23/2020, 3/24/24. *Julian 3/11.
Lets continue…God’s wrath is spelled out even further, and Kanye West and Elon Musk showed up in 2020 with symbolism to help encode it.
In 2020 Kanye West and Elon Musk appeared wearing “Orange” symbolism. *look above at Timeline.
First, let me explain. Remember 4/13/2020 was encoded with the George Floyd coding story in 2020 and Deb Birx at the Corona Task Force. George Floyd simple=119. April 13 was Nisan 19. (1/19) George Floyd=634, One hundred three= 634.
Here’s Deb encoding “cream=119” and April 13 several ways:
Now that we have established 4/13/20 as a date they were coding in the timeline. I will now explain why Kanye and Elon showed up to code: Orange.
April 13 2020 to 9/23/20 is 183 Days which is then 42 Months to 3/24/24.
There is an Orange on Musk’s shirt and Kanye is wearing an Orange Jacket. Remember that Orange=183…
April 13 2020 is 183 days to 9/23/2020 which is 42 Months to 3/24/24.
Look, in white, West=1095+183 (orange) = 1278, which is a full 42 Months or 3/5 years.
No wonder why they chose West for this stunt… Now, why Elon?
elon reeve musk value in Gematria is 1240www.gematrix.org
gods wrath value in Gematria is 1240www.gematrix.org
They are coding, “God’s wrath.” and pinpointing the dates on the Timeline I am showing you.
God’s Wrath is spelled out several ways:
4/13/20, (discussed above how that was coded by the Elites) to 3/24/24 is 1441 Days. 1441= “Declared the Wrath of God.” This could be a coded message meaning, God’s Wrath comes 3/24/24, and the message was embedded before the wrath.
Same as in 8/21/17 to 3/24/24. It is 2407 Days which equals:
last day gods wrath disclosure value in Gematria is 2407www.gematrix.org
divine wrath disclosure value in Gematria is 2407www.gematrix.org
Remember they showed Elon with Kanye. Kanye coded the days as in his name, “West”=1095 plus “orange183” equaled 1278. see Timeline 9/23/20 plus 1278 days is 3/24/24.
As their secrets were being discovered, I found these codes on the Daily Mail:
Kanye west with 666. 2/3= .666666
Gigi Hadid with “23”
Princess Beatrice looks Psycho:
Navy Jacket With A Crimson Dress Underneath in Hebrew Gematria equals 3932
gregorian date march twenty four value in Gematria is 2392www.gematrix.org
As you can see this was encoded backwards. They certainly were coding
gregorian date march twenty four value in Gematria is 2392www.gematrix.org
Let’s continue, but, remember 9/23/20 to 3/24/24 is 42 months.
Regarding the 1,335 Days, this is an interesting take on it…
We find these codes:
one thousand three hundred thirty five value in Gematria is 2544www.gematrix.org
gregorian calendar march twenty fourth value in Gematria is 2544www.gematrix.org
seventh angel seventh trumpet value in Gematria is 2544www.gematrix.org
Perhaps the 1335 was a code.
We will see,
As for now, I am still watching, March 11 2024, Julian which is March 24, 2024,
Coming up next, I will explore this timeline more. In the Meantime, you can see what I have already found.
God Bless you all, perhaps the 9/23 was regarding the 3.5 years as 9/23/20 Five years after Obama was with the Pope, is 42 months to 3/24/24 the Gregorian 3/11/24.
He announced the Pandemic 5 years to the day it began, perhaps he is using a 5 year disclosure patten.
Till next time
Rose Hannah
Hello Rose.
Please I ask you to watch a basketball player named Jaden Ivey at a press conference.
Many people do not realize but when they say that the Lord Jesus Christ returns, and that is true, he is with his arms crossed which is the sign of Osiris.
The strange thing is how he is constantly playing with his fingers on the top of his shoulders.
He gives me the impression that they are like signs or a form of expression because he also has the fingers of his right hand on his left shoulder together like the Freemasons do.
I have seen it right now on a channel called:
The Watchman.
Video title:
The Bible Warned Us About This:
The Days Of Noah Are Here!!!
Thank you.
Always in Christ my heart.